17 Days to go 

Luckily time is passing pretty fast this week as we are busy at work! After having told you about our plans for Norway, I want to give you some more information about what we have planned afterwards. After we will get back from Norway at the end of October we will be at home for... Continue Reading →

21 days to go 

21 more days until I do not have to work for the rest of the year. I have a calendar at work on which I count down the days. My new mantra is to tell myself the amount of days left whenever someone or something annoys me. I am so ready. Our first trip will... Continue Reading →

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Cold water coast

snapshots from County Wicklow and beyond


Auf in die schöne weite Welt - und spannende Abenteuer für die Zeit zwischen den Reisen

Reisen mit Kate

Tri Tra Travel with me :)

Zooma Summarum

Geblendet von einem speziellen Moment, eingefangen in einem Foto.